


All shipment information collected in one place
How do I track a shipment?

Tracking a shipment is very easy, just enter the shipment’s GK number in the search engine in the top menu, which you can find in the customer panel and in emails regarding the shipment.

If you can’t find the number, please contact our Customer Service team, it’s possible that your freight forwarder or operator doesn’t provide online tracking and you need to ask the freight forwarder directly.

How do I cancel a shipment?

You can cancel the order by yourself in the Customer Panel, this will result in an automatic refund even on the same day. The refund is made by the same method as the payment. You can also report it to our employees at: and then an employee will cancel the shipment – the refund is also automatic.

What can't I send?

Detailed list of items, living beings, and others prohibited from transmission: 

1) Cash, securities, other documents of a payment nature;

2) Valuables: jewelry, works of art, antiques, numismatic items

3)Weapons and ammunition

4) Perishable goods requiring special transport conditions. 5) Chemical and biological goods;

Chemical and biologically active goods. 6;

Animals, human and animal remains; 7;

7) Drugs and psychotropic substances

8) Medicines requiring special conditions of carriage

9) Other goods the properties of which may pose a threat to the health of people coming into contact with them, or which may damage or destroy other shipments

10) Other goods the carriage of which is prohibited under applicable laws.

Can I change my shipping address?

To avoid costs associated with re-addressing your shipment, it is best to cancel the order and place a new one with the correct information. 

What should I do if the courier has not arrived?

Contact us and report an intervention. You can do this in several simple ways:

✔️Through the form on our website:

✔️ By email at:

✔️ By phone at: +48 22 300 16 21 at: 7:30-17:00

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